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电动机后端盖 , 电机接线柱 , 电机防尘罩 , 衔铁 , 固定板 , 电机调整套 , 滚轮 , 联轴器 , 背轮 , 配重轮、门轮 电话咨询 133****1339 手机浏览 纠错/管理
南通爱建机电制造有限公司 南通爱建机电制造有限公司坐落于美丽的长江三角洲现代化国际制造业基地——启东经济开发区,与大上海隔江相望,融入上海一小时都市圈,蓬勃发展的启东拥有良好的工业基础及技术人才,公司集二十余年专业经验生产的YZZ132M-4起重用盘式制动三相异步电动机是建筑业人货两用施工升降机专用配套电机。我们拥有专业的生产试验设备,合理科学的测试方法,产品具有转速波动小,起动力矩大,额定电流小,低电压起动能力强,静制动力矩大,电磁制动可靠性好等优点。公司可根据客户要求来图来样定制定做,加工工艺合理。   理论指导设计,经验决定品质,严谨的工艺要求,严格出场检验是爱建人永远的理念与追求。   质量铸就“爱建”,“爱建”回报建机。   Nantong aig mechanlcal & electronic manufacture co.,ltd to be located in the beautiful Yangtse Delta modernization international manufacturing inducstry base--Qidong economic development zone,separates the river with Shanghai to face one another. Integrates Shanghai one hour metropolis circle, vigorous development's Qidong has the good industry foundation and the technical talented person, YZZ132M-4 which the company collection 20 remaining years of life specialized experiences produce lifts heavy objects with the disc type applies the brake the three-phase asynchronous motor is the architecture industry person goods dual purpose construction elevator special-purpose necessary electrical machinery. We have the specialized production testing equipment, the reasonable science's test method, the product hasthe speed oscillation to be small, the starting torque is big, the nominal current is small, boltage starting capacity, the braking force rectifies in a big way, electromagnetic brake reliability good and so on merits.   The treory instruction design, the experience decides the quality, the rigorous technological requirement, the strict delivery inspection is likes constructing the person forever idea and the pursue, the quality casts "AIG","AIG" the repayment to construct machine.
  • 所在地区:江苏省南通市启东市
  • 行业分类:普通机械制造业
  • 企业类型:有限责任公司
  • 注册资金:50万元人民币
  • 经营方式:生产型
  • 员工人数:
  • 地址:江苏省 中国 江苏 启东市 江苏启东市经济开发区纬一路68号
  • 邮编:226200
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